Searching for cheap flight tickets from STL to MAA and still won't be able to find suitable deals tailored to your budget. Travelolog is the best-ever flight booking platform that offers affordable flight deals within your budget.

There is no scarcity of flight options when it comes to scheduling deals at Here are several budget and premium airlines that fly over this route. There are approximately numerous flights that fly over this route, you have to take connecting flights starting from the morning until the night. Apart from that, there are no non-stop flights that fly between Saint Louis and Chennai.

The lowest airfare from Saint Louis to Chennai is $1281, and the average airfare is $1489, depending on the airline's availability and timing. So it’s better to book your Saint Louis to Chennai flight at least 2-3 weeks ahead to avail of those discounted deals and offers, if you are flexible with your date.

You will board from Saint Louis Lambert International Airport and de-board at Chennai Airport.

How to book your Saint Louis to Chennai flight ticket with

Book your Saint Louis to Chennai flight ticket within a few easy steps.

Enter your details at for registration purposes. You can also create a new account by signing in.

On, you see three options for booking flight tickets from Saint Louis to Chennai. Choose one of these: one-way, two-way, or round-trip.

Fill in the city where you want to board your flight from the destination city. Choose the date of departure and enter the return date if you are looking for a round-trip flight. Choose the refereed class according to you.

Hit the search button.

Within a few seconds, you will be redirected to another page. All the top 5 deals are the cheapest, and the below deals are the most expensive.

Then apply the date filter according to your preferences and choose the airline with which you want to travel.

To book with the discounted deal, tap, go, and check out our promo codes and coupon codes, if they are valid.

Confirm your booking by accessing the payment mode.

About Louis Lambert

Louis Lambert is an independent city in the US state of Missouri. It is one of the confluences of the Mississippi and Missouri Rivers. Louis is one of the world’s great brewing cities. The city of Louis has some amazing attractions, including museums, arts stadiums, and many more.

The best time to visit Louis

The best time to visit Louis is in the spring and fall seasons of April and May.

About Chennai

Chennai is popular for its traditional and rich heritage, along with its delicious music and delicious food. The city is famous for its popular attractions. Chennai is primarily known for its ancient temples and vibrant temples. Chennai is located on the Coromandel Coast.

The best time to visit Chennai

The most appropriate time to visit Chennai is from October to February, as these in-between months are the most suitable to explore the city.

Places to explore in Chennai

Start your exploring journey from Marina Beach, which is India’s largest beach. There is St. George Church in the nearby area, and you can also visit that after exploring it. Visit the Thousand Lights Mosque; it is famous for its architectural corners and modern design. There is another famous beach, which is Elliot’s Beach. It is a less crowded beach than the marina, Elliot Beach has its specialty. Chennai is famous for its holiest shrines: Ashtalaxmi Temple, Vellankani Shrine, Kapaleshwar Temple, Parthsarathy Temple, and Vadapani Murugan Temple.

Famous Beaches in Chennai

• Breezy Beaches

• Covelong Beaches

• The Golden Beach

• Akkarai Beach

Historical monuments in Chennai

Prakasam Salai

It is one of the most iconic places to visit in Chennai. It has a magnificent structure that was built around 1795.

The Rippon Buildings

The beauty of this place is that it is made of white marble and designed in the Roman architectural style; thus, it is named after Lord Ripon, who is the governor of General British India.

Vivekanandar House

This place is one of the best places to explore in Chennai, as Swami Vivekandar spent a few days there.

Sri Parthasarathy Temple

This temple was built according to the orthodox style in memory of Lord Krishna.

Frequently Asked Questions on Stl to Maa flight route?

1. How much is the distance it takes to fly from Saint Louis to Chennai?

The long-distance of this route is 14,200 kilometers.

2. Are there any direct flights that fly directly over this route from Saint Louis to Chennai?

Currently, there is no such direct flight that flies from Saint Louis to Chennai. You have to take connecting flights.

3. Which is the most booked cabin class on this flight route?

The most booked cabin classes over this flight route are economy and business class.

4. What should I do to get discounts on airline flight tickets at

To get those discounted offers on airline flight tickets, you have to book them four weeks in advance, whether they are domestic or international. You may sign into our website, and then click on the alert icon. Whenever the price falls, you will be notified of that.

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